วันจันทร์ที่ 1 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Problem and Solution Continues

 Problem and Solution (Continued...) 

  On Monday 7th May, I studied “Problem and Solution” that continued from last week.
we started doing exercise 1 which was about the machine gun overheat and malfunction. From this text, I also knew why the machine gun has overheat and malfunction.   I would like you to read the text and find the title and main idea.

The term “machine gun” is commonly applied to any gun that is designed to fire repeatedly and in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is held down.  During the course of warfare, the trigger of some machine guns may be held down almost continuously for hours to create suppressant fire (rounds fired not necessarily to kill an enemy, but to prevent them from attacking).  All of this firing can generate a lot of heat, which maycause the weapon to overheat and malfunction.  But this situation has been addressed in a number of ways. For onepractically all machine guns fire from an open bolt, which allows air to cool the breach between bursts of fire.  Additionally, some machine guns have removable barrels, which allow hot barrels to be replaced.  Andsome advanced machine guns even have sophisticated barrel cooling systems, which maintain a functional heat level within the weapon As you might have concluded, a lot of brain power has gone into keeping those guns firing.  

After we finished the first exercise, our friends who did the homework outside the classroom had finished their homework and came in. Then, we started reading about amnesia. I will bring the text and I would like you to read the text. Also, you have to identify the main idea and title respectively.

The term "Amnesia" refers to complete or partial memory loss.  Almost all of us will experience some form of Amnesia in our lives, even if it's just a simple case of verbal amnesia, like forgetting someone's name.  Fortunately, there are things that you can do to prevent amnesia.  Here is a list of foods that you can eat toimprove your memoryalmonds, walnuts, bananas, honey, apples, and black pepper.  Though these foods may not reverse post-traumatic amnesia, they should improve your memory in daily life if you eat them regularly enough.

Personally, I think this text was quite easy. The problem is Amnesia and there are specific foods that can improve your memory. If you want to have a good memory, try to have them regularly enough. The specific foods are as follows:
 Almonds , Walnut ,Banana, Honey ,Apple ,Black Pepper 

Later, we started reading the next text which was about car accident. I will bring this text and give all of you read the text. You have to identify the main idea and title too. Then, I will let you know my title and main idea respectively.

According to the last US census, drivers 19 years old and younger represent only 5% of all drivers, yet they are involved in more than 12% of car accidents. This shows that teen drivers are involved in more accidents than their older and wiser counterparts. Sadly, teens make up more than 8% of drivers killed in car accidents. It doesn't have to be like this. We can prevent accidents and save lives by changing the minimum driving age. By raising the minimum driving age to 21 years old, more teens will live to see their 20s. Doesn't that seem worth it? I'd rather have my teenage son or daughter moaning and groaning about the driving age then getting involved in a serious accident because he or she isn't ready to drive yet. What do you think?

 Next, we had to read the next which was about the risk of cyclist. I will let you read the text. Then, identify the title and main idea. I will show you about the graphic organizer serially. 

 Bicycles are an excellent choice when it comes to transportation. Biking is healthy and faster than walking, but it is also dangerous. Each year tens of thousands of people are killed or injured while riding a bicycle. This is because our roads are designed for motorists

and not cyclists, but we can change the landscape. Each time a road is built or rebuilt, we should put in bike lanes. Clearly marked bicycle lanes will give cyclists a safer place to ride. Our cyclists deserve this little bit of consideration. In fact, their very lives are depending on it.


After that, it was the time to show our cooking videos .
I was excited about my video .

In my opinion, Finding the discourse markers is easy for me. Because I know these conjunction as well and I will learn as much as I can in order to understand and know greatly.This lesson is similar to cause and effect. But it has explanation in solution. I feel this lesson is neutral. Yet, I should analyze the text what is problem and what is solution. Also, I have to think what solution is. Hence, I should study hard in order to understand this lesson greatly.


