วันจันทร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

WEEK 1 A Healthy Diet

Today was the first day of studying in this course "  English Reading Stratedies"

   Before studied,  teacher told us  about Course syllabus so I thought  this course very hard.

                 This is manners in the class.     
 6  rules that teacher told us again in this semester.

1. Be punctual.
2. Pay attenyion to the lesson.
3. Do not use cell phones in the calssroom.
4.Do not cheat.
5.Follow dress code policy.
    -   Keep calm and follow the dress code.
    -   wear the university form.
6.Listen while others are speaking or sharing.


                             After that, Teacher asked us                                                                     " What strategies do you use in reading? "   

                  Before I learned this course I very read slowly and usually used a dictionary when I don't know a meaning of difficult word from the context and when    I can't find the correct main idea.But this course taught me about the way to read faster,how to find the answers, obstacles that I have when I read, new knowledge and vocabularies from text, grammar such as part of speech, writing skill is better than before.

         when I read I will use reading strategies that I leaned form teacher in text such as
         We found answers , and wrote on white board. 

                        I will used the strategies that I got from this course in reading.                                  I prepared and practiced myself by read a lot and sometimes I did the exercised before teacher assigned.

After  that we began in Unit 1 


                                                    First time we  tried to  exercises.                                                      Pre-Reading 1   about check types of food in correct column.

Healthy                                                                              Unhealthy 
fruit                                                                                         burgers
fresh vegetable                                                                           sushi
oily fish                                                                              french fries
salad                                                                                potato chips

                                     Later I learned grammar  " present continuous"   
      I do exercises but  I  confused about it  in choosing to use it  I often use it frequently. 

                         When I do, it's practice, I could do it too has raised between healthy food and junk food. Clearly It is very important in everyday life,I  thought this course is very useful because it could be used in everyday life, not really.  I hope to learned in the next time. I understood it well enjoyed it.

